2-Ingredient Flatbread

This is such a fantastic recipe to have in your repertoire and kids love helping making the dough too! In fact, I originally developed it when my oldest daughter started to drop her nap and I wanted us to do something fun (and productive) in the extra time. The recipe below makes 4 medium flatbreads but just increase or decrease the quantities depending on how many you want but remember any extras can be portioned up and popped in the freezer to be used another day so always make more than you need.


Makes 4 medium flatbreads


175g self raising flour

175g full fat natural yoghurt


Place the flour and yoghurt in a mixing bowl and mix until it begins to come together. Pop the rough dough out of the bowl and knead gently for a couple of minutes until you have a smooth ball. [Note: you can also use a KitchenAid (or similar) with its dough hook attachment but this does eliminate some of the fun for kids!]

Divide the dough into 4 even balls (or however many you are making) and cover. You can now place the dough in the fridge for up to 24 hours before using or pop in the freezer for up to one month.

When you are ready to cook your flatbread, remove one dough ball at a time from the fridge and place on a lightly floured surface. Using a rolling pin, roll into a circle approx 3-4mm thick. Heat a large frying pan, or a pancake pan if you have one, until piping hot. Place the flatbread directly onto the pan and cook for 1-2 minutes. Reduce the temperature if the bread starts to char. Flip the bread over and cook for 1-2 minutes on the other side. Remove and serve.