Christmas nibbles aren't complete without smoked salmon blinis in my house, particularly as my daughters adore both smoked salmon and pancakes. I always find the shop brought blinis are very dry so I thought I'd have a go at developing my own recipe. These take not time at all and disappeared in a flash. Madeleine loved helping me arrange them and adding the finishing touches.
Makes 30-32 bitesize blinis
100g spelt flour
70g plain flour
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 1/2 tsp dried yeast
2 eggs
250ml full fat milk
30g butter
Put all the ingredients apart form the butter in a bowl and stir until combined. Cover with clingfilm and leave at room temperature for 2-3 hours (or in the fridge overnight).
When you are ready to make your blinis, heat a large frying pan or pancake pan and melt the butter. Use a piece of kitchen roll to carefully spread all the butter evenly over the pan and then using a tbsp scoop (from a set of measuring spoons) pour 1 scoop per blini onto the pan and cook 3-4 blinis at a time [You can make larger ones but I love these little bitesize ones both for adults and kids]. Cook for 1-2 minutes on both sides until golden and then remove onto a plate. Continue to cook until all your mixture has been used and store in a airtight container for up to 2 days.
To assemble: smear a good helping of cream cheese on the blinis and twist a strand of smoked salmon.